The weather definitely can be frightful over here even in the south but we all manage to keep toasty, warm and happy.
Right now we have puppies. Boston babies as well as two miniature Schnauzers and three Snorkies. The Schnauzers and Snorkies are my brother-in-laws puppies. I'm helping him find great new homes for them. And they have such wonderful personalities and get along so well with my Boston babies and adults. It's so sweet to see them all running around and happy. They are the sweetest little things.
The little Boston babies we have available are Drake, Tatum, Louis, Jesse, Kelsey, Kitty and Royce. The little Schnauzers are Carlisle and Violet. And the little Snorkies, which are half miniature Schnauzer and Yorkshire Terrier are George, Alec and Lil Niles.
Also, the rain has finally stopped for now. I am elated about it. I thought that we were going to have to build an ark. I think this is the most rain we have had in a very longtime. But we have had enough so please let no more fall from the beautiful sky.