Lil Elvis is doing good I am happy to report. Still active and sweet and loving.:)
As of today August 7th, 2010 Lil Elvis is now 17 weeks old and eats like any other normal, happy and healthy puppy. He has had his share of rain clouds hovering over his dear little head but he has shown remarkable spirit and resilience in the face of both trials and challenges. Starting life with a birth defect that could have easily cost him his life, a cleft palate and a cleft lip he had to be tube fed every two hours for the first two weeks and every three hours for the third week and every four hours for the fourth week. Weaning was a dangerous time for him but he made it. And after all that the cat my neighbors left behind when they moved punctured his right eye and he had to have surgery to save his injured eye. And soon Lil Elvis will get to go to his new loving forever home. I will most certainly miss my Lil Elvis but I know he will be happy and sometimes loving someone means letting them go. But I will always be a part of his life and he will always be a part of mine.