Thursday, May 28, 2009

Judy's blooms!

Both Odin and Ainsley went home today. Ainsley flew out of New Orleans, LA to go her home in Bluffton, SC. Joe and Jan are so happy. Ainsley even has a two big sisters waiting for her.

Odin was picked up by his new owner Fred of Laplace, LA. His daughter Chelsea tagged along and welcomed Odin home too. Chelsea has a Boston who is adopted from me as well as her mom Jona, she has our William. So, now their family has three Bostons from me.:)

I am gardening this year. Flower gardening at almost 39 years old. Yikes! I guess it's true you can continue to learn. This year I am absolutely learning. Reading and reading some more. I am delighted that things are starting to come up and even bloom.

I am hoping to really get into the dirt tomorrow and start more seeds. It's so exciting to see them grow.:)

Not as exciting as watching my puppies but still exciting.