Both Odin and Ainsley went home today. Ainsley flew out of New Orleans, LA to go her home in Bluffton, SC. Joe and Jan are so happy. Ainsley even has a two big sisters waiting for her.
Odin was picked up by his new owner Fred of Laplace, LA. His daughter Chelsea tagged along and welcomed Odin home too. Chelsea has a Boston who is adopted from me as well as her mom Jona, she has our William. So, now their family has three Bostons from me.:)
I am gardening this year. Flower gardening at almost 39 years old. Yikes! I guess it's true you can continue to learn. This year I am absolutely learning. Reading and reading some more. I am delighted that things are starting to come up and even bloom.
I am hoping to really get into the dirt tomorrow and start more seeds. It's so exciting to see them grow.:)
Not as exciting as watching my puppies but still exciting.
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